I’m trying to make this text gui show the balance of the player using the following code:
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local stats = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("PlayerMoney"):WaitForChild(player.Name)
local gui = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui").Money
local val = gui.Value
val.Value = stats.Value
local function makeTween(i)
return TweenService:Create(val,
TweenInfo.new(.5, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear),
{Value = i}
gui.Amount.Text = " $ "..tostring(val.Value).." "
gui.Amount.Text = " $ "..tostring(i).." "
However, when I start up the game, the textbox only says TextBox. I have no idea why. When the player earns money and the stats.Changed and val.Changed events are called, there isn’t any weird behavior.
Part of the weirdness of the issues you’re encountering occurs from the fact that you’re trying to do what should be on the client-side on the server-side.
The server should have no business modifying Guis at all. The least it should do, if your money storage is in ServerStorage, is to call FireClient on a RemoteEvent per change to inform the client of their new balance. Everything else - from the tween, to the text setting and so on - should be done from the client.
Product of standard replication behaviour. The server is responsible for populating PlayerGui with Guis from StarterGui on respawn (and repopulating on respawn if ResetOnSpawn is enabled), so Guis can be seen by the server as well.
The server’s only involvement should be, at the very least, this kind of replication. Guis should otherwise never be handled by the server and the client should be doing all interface work. Guis are intended to provide an interface for clients to modify and interact with to facilitate game features. The server is an interfaceless entity that should only be responsible for critical game actions (e.g. replication, validation, security, …).