old name: Player type object in textbox transfers to textlabel
Is there any way to make what an player types in an textbox, pop up on another textlabel, that the whole server can see?
heres some fake code to tell you what i mean.
local textbox = script.parent
local textlabel = script.parent.textlabel
if textbox.typed = true then
textlabel.text = textbox.text
Is there any way, to make it so that the gui can be asigned to an random player? also can i have an script example to go off. edit: The textbox gui to an random player or an certain player
yeah, you can clone the type gui and put it in the chosen players playergui
(script in serverscriptservice)
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local storage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local typeGui = storage:WaitForChild("ScreenGui") -- ur type GUI here
task.wait(10) -- wait for everyone to load
local players = players:GetChildren()
local chosenPlayer = players[math.random(#players)]
local guiClone = typeGui:Clone()
guiClone.Parent = chosenPlayer.PlayerGui
You should probably censor that before something happens to your devforum account
Filtering text does not work in Studio. When you play the actual game however it will filter the text just fine. It’s not due to the fact that it’s not working, it just doesn’t work in studio.
I recommend using the “Chat” service, and using FilterStringForBroadcast() when filtering text.