the textbox text after being set from server script just says “TextBox” on the local gui. this is a server script changing the text for a local gui which i thought maybe textboxs dont support but THEY DO. is there maybe a setting preventing it? any help is great. thank q
local ClickDetector = script.Parent -- this script activates when a click detector is triggered
local character = script.Parent.Parent -- the click detector is in the player's character
local ClickedPlayer = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) -- this will get the player from the character
local profile = game.ReplicatedStorage.Profile.playerJournal:Clone() -- this is basically a profile gui like the one in gacha online or royale high kinda
profile.Parent = player.PlayerGui.popUps
profile.Name = ClickedPlayer.Name
profile.nameText.Text = ClickedPlayer.DisplayName
local cards = ClickedPlayer.PlayerGui.popUps.journal.ScrollingFrame:Clone() -- this clones the scrolling frame from the player full of profile cards (for example my favorite series is.. or my bio is.. or my favorite song is..)
cards.Parent = profile -- this scrolling frame will be parented to the profile gui of the viewer, aka person who clicked on player
local cardsFinal = player.PlayerGui.popUps[ClickedPlayer.Name].ScrollingFrame -- this is the same thing as local cards
local children = ClickedPlayer.ProfileCards:GetChildren() -- it gets the the data stored in the player just to make sure the cards have the correct text
for i,v in ipairs(children) do
if cardsFinal:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then
print(v.Name.." - value name") -- i even have prints to make sure the text is correct. it is in the prints but for some reason for the gui the textbox text is just "TextBox"
cardsFinal[v.Name].content.Text = v.Value -- this should set content(aka the textbox text) to the data found inside the player, it doesnt, and this shouldn't even be required because the text should already be accurate