Textbutton and textboxes dissappearing when scaling resolution down in settings

Heres a video, when I scale my resolution down the textboxes disappear since the frame is scaled


Hange position of buttons from offset to scale so buttons position will be relative to frame size

UDim2.new(xScale, xOffset, yScale, yOffset)

so i put that line in the buttons?

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Change position of buttons from offset to scale.

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its already scale, no offset and that occurs

Maybe u have constant ui propontions?

I have nothing that modifys text or scaling, all are scale and not offset

Then it should be size of frame with button that is set to offset

I tried that already, Scale or Offset. It doesn’t work

What does UIHandler script do?

Its for the settings button and exit and to switch tabs, the scripts for the buttons are in the buttons