TextButton doesn't sink input

I’m currently making a quiz game, and I was scripting the buttons to work. However, I found it doesn’t work. Not because the script is wrong or anything (hopefully), but because the textbutton – at least visually – doesn’t sink input. I’ve turned on AutoButtonColor for the Sample button I’m using, and it doesn’t react to clicks.
Take a look:

If the video loaded, you can see and hear that I’m trying to click the button, but it doesn’t respond. I’ve also shown you the script thats supposed to print a text when the button is activated. (nvm OBS didn’t show it) The Activated event is already notorious for not working sometimes, but I tried MouseButton1Click and got the same results.

Any suggestions?


Can someone please at least respond or suggest something? I don’t wanna abandon this project.
The likes are appreciated, but I sadly have no idea what to do or what did I do wrong.

Can you send the properties of the TextButtons, Explorer layout, and the scripts?

Sure thing!

  • Explorer:


  • Sample button properties:

  • Active: true

  • AutoButtonColor: true

  • Modal: false

  • Visible: true

  • ZIndex: 1

  • ClipsDescendants: false

  • GuiHandler LocalScript parented to StarterPlayerScripts:

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RequestQuestion")
local gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Quiz")
local multipleChoice = gui:WaitForChild("Background"):WaitForChild("MultipleChoice")
local choices = multipleChoice:WaitForChild("Choices")
local title = multipleChoice:WaitForChild("Title")



local function ShowQuestion(question)
	title.Text = question.Title
	local isAnswered = false
	for i, v in pairs(question.Answers) do
		if not choices:FindFirstChild(v.Answer) then
			local new = choices.Sample:Clone()
			new.Parent = choices
			new.Visible = true
			new.Text = v.Answer
			new.Name = v.Answer
			new:SetAttribute("IsCorrect", v.correct)
				print("No worries, it's working!") -- doesnt show
				local stroke = new:FindFirstChild("UIStroke")
				if stroke then
					stroke.Thickness = 3
					stroke.Color = new:GetAttribute("IsCorrect") == true and Color3.new(0, 1, 0) or Color3.new(1, 0, 0)
				isAnswered = new:GetAttribute("IsCorrect") == true
	--repeat wait(0.5) until isAnswered == true

local question = event:InvokeServer()

Hope I helped!