TextButton Text not showing up?

I made a new ScreenGUI, I made a Text button. Every time I make the Text button it shows up with a white box and no text. The text is black, the text is set to “Button”, 14 size font, there is no other UI on the screen and the transparency is on 0. I’m pretty sure this is just a bug in Roblox studio but if anyone has a fix, it would be very helpful.

I have also tried turning on Text Scaled and that didn’t do anything.
I do not have any beta features enabled.
I have also tried making a new ScreenGUI and a new Roblox studio file.
Here are the screenshots of the properties and what it looks like on the screen.

Here are the properties for the ScreenGUI


This is a bug that started occurring very recently. Some temporary fixes are mentioned in the following bug report topic:

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What a lifesaver, thank you so much.

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