TextChatService causing an abnormal amount of load on my game since adding it

In my game, I’ve noticed a ton of complaints that lag has gone up since the addition of Roblox’s TextChatService. I’ve checked into it with MicroProfiler and ScriptProfiler and I’ve noticed an extremely big block about TextChatService.

Experience Link: [4V4] TRS | Public Pitch - Roblox

(My game doesn’t even use Bubble Chat so this script profiler bit doesn’t make much sense to me)

I’m not sure if it’s an issue with my game or what, and I apologise if it is. But this amount of lag spikes wasn’t happening before the addition of TextChatService a few days ago.

Expected behavior

I expect my experience to run normally with TextChatService and not spike every few seconds.

Furthermore, I expect Bubble Chat to not be affecting my experience when it’s disabled.


Hi, to help us debug, could you tell us:

  • The device you’re using
  • The duration/frequency of the “block” (ideally, if you can send us an html file of the mobile device microprofiler (instructions here: MicroProfiler | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub) then that would help us immensely since we can check if this is happening every frame for you)
  • If you’re doing anything custom/special w/ TextChatService API
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Hello, thank you for the swift response.

I’m on a PC, Windows 11 with an RTX 3080.

I have a chat tag script that scrapes off a surfacegui to grab the top of the leaderboard for chat tags. That’s the only thing that I think it could be on my end, although I use this in another game and have no issues.

I’ll send the MicroProfiler details via a direct message shortly.

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