In my game dinosaur simulator I use the Team service to create packs. Usually name the team the player’s pack name. Then I give players the option to change their team color. When changing the team’s color a new TextChannel is created, and you aren’t removed from the old one.
When changing the team’s color it should update and delete you from the old text channel. Being linked to the same text channel would be nice though.
I can fix this right now by deleting the team object and creating a new one everytime the color is changed. This deletes any chat history though that would of been in the old text channel.
Are you using two different TextChannels for the different teams or are you just using OnIncomingMessage() to modify player chat colors? Make sure to use TextSource:Destroy() for the TextSource you want to remove before adding the user to the new channel, creating a new TextSource in the process.
No I’m not modifying chat colors at all. I’m just modying the Team obj color. ChannelTabsConfiguration is enabled so these TextChannels are being created on their own.
I also know I can delete the text channel but like I stated it removes any chat history. The link I provided shows this behavior. Pay attention to the channels, and team color.
Basically TextChannels are linked to a color rather than the actual Team obj. So changing a Team obj’s color will put you in a new channel linked to the color and not remove you from the old one.
If I changed the Team obj color it should just change the color and still be linked to the same Team TextChannel.
I can work around this but not sure if it’s intended behavior or it’ll be changed.