TextChatService chat tags (toggle) [SOLVED]

Hi. I have a chat tag system script in ServerScriptService. It works fully but with the new TextChatService update that is in April 2025, I have to convert because my script only supports LegacyChatService. I’m looking for some help on changing my script. All help appreciated thanks.

local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")

local ChatServiceRunner = ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("ChatServiceRunner")
local ChatService = require(ChatServiceRunner.ChatService)

local GroupID = 33796958 -- Replace 16885155 with your actual Group ID
local adminCT = Color3.fromRGB(235, 211, 158)

local function GetGroupId(player)
	local success, result = pcall(function()
		return player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID)
	return success and result or nil

local GroupTags = {
	[255] = { -- Owner
		ChatColor = adminCT,
		Tags = { -- Starts the Tags List (chat tags will be contained in this table)
			{ -- Starts tag 1
				TagText = "Owner", -- Change this to the word(s) that you want in the Chat Tag
				TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(177, 7, 0) -- Change this to the Color you want the Chat Tag to appear in
			}, -- Ends tag 1
		}, -- Ends Tags List
	}, -- Ends RoleID

	[240] = { -- OVERSEER
		ChatColor = adminCT,
		Tags = { -- Starts the Tags List (chat tags will be contained in this table)
			{ -- Starts tag 1
				TagText = "OVERSEER", -- Change this to the word(s) that you want in the Chat Tag
				TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(250, 23, 0) -- Change this to the Color you want the Chat Tag to appear in
			}, -- Ends tag 1
		}, -- Ends Tags List
	}, -- Ends RoleID

	[239] = { -- developer
		ChatColor = adminCT,
		Tags = { -- Starts the Tags List (chat tags will be contained in this table)
			{ -- Starts tag 1
				TagText = "Developer", -- Change this to the word(s) that you want in the Chat Tag
				TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(132, 0, 250) -- Change this to the Color you want the Chat Tag to appear in
			}, -- Ends tag 1
		}, -- Ends Tags List
	}, -- Ends RoleID

	[100] = { -- staff
		ChatColor = adminCT,
		Tags = { -- Starts the Tags List (chat tags will be contained in this table)
			{ -- Starts tag 1
				TagText = "Staff", -- Change this to the word(s) that you want in the Chat Tag
				TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 195, 66) -- Change this to the Color you want the Chat Tag to appear in
			}, -- Ends tag 1
		}, -- Ends Tags List
	}, -- Ends RoleID

	[90] = { --tester
		ChatColor = adminCT,
		Tags = { -- Starts the Tags List (chat tags will be contained in this table)
			{ -- Starts tag 1
				TagText = "Tester", -- Change this to the word(s) that you want in the Chat Tag
				TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 1, 182) -- Change this to the Color you want the Chat Tag to appear in
			}, -- Ends tag 1
		}, -- Ends Tags List
	}, -- Ends RoleID
	[10] = { --verified
		ChatColor = Color3.new(0, 0.934569, 1),
		Tags = { -- Starts the Tags List (chat tags will be contained in this table)
			{ -- Starts tag 1
				TagText = "Verified", -- Change this to the word(s) that you want in the Chat Tag
				TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 99, 255) -- Change this to the Color you want the Chat Tag to appear in
			}, -- Ends tag 1
		}, -- Ends Tags List
	}, -- Ends RoleID

	[1] = { -- tryhard
		Tags = { -- Starts the Tags List (chat tags will be contained in this table)
			{ -- Starts tag 1
				TagText = "Fan🌎", -- Change this to the word(s) that you want in the Chat Tag
				TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(245, 232, 1) -- Change this to the Color you want the Chat Tag to appear in
			}, -- Ends tag 1
		}, -- Ends Tags List
	}, -- Ends RoleID

} -- Ends GroupTags

local function handleSpeaker(speakerName)
	local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName)
	local player = speaker:GetPlayer()

	if player then
		local groupRankID = GetGroupId(player)
		if groupRankID then
			local extraData = GroupTags[groupRankID]
			if extraData then
				for key, value in pairs(extraData) do
					speaker:SetExtraData(key, value)

for _, speakerName in pairs(ChatService:GetSpeakerList()) do

local toggles = {}

local function toggle(speakerName)
	local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName)
	local player = speaker:GetPlayer()

	if player then
		local groupRankID = GetGroupId(player)
		if groupRankID and GroupTags[groupRankID] then
			if not toggles[groupRankID] then
				toggles[groupRankID] = true
				speaker:SetExtraData('Tags', {})
				toggles[groupRankID] = false
				speaker:SetExtraData('Tags', GroupTags[groupRankID].Tags)
				speaker:SetExtraData('ChatColor', GroupTags[groupRankID].ChatColor)

		if msg:lower() == "/e tag" then
			local groupRankID = GetGroupId(plr)
			if groupRankID >= 90 then -- Replace 255 with the required Rank ID
				print("Player is not High Enought Rank To use /e !ToggleChatTag")

	local groupRankID = GetGroupId(plr)
	if groupRankID and toggles[groupRankID] then
		toggles[groupRankID] = nil

for i, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if msg:lower() == "/e tag" then
			local groupRankID = GetGroupId(plr)
			if groupRankID >= 90 then -- Replace 255 with the required Rank ID
				print("Player is not High Enought Rank To use /e !ToggleChatTag")

Ok, I was having trouble with the new chat system, but now I think I can help you.

game:GetService("TextChatService").OnIncomingMessage = function(Message)
	local MessageProp = Instance.new("TextChatMessageProperties")
	if Message.TextSource and Message.TextSource.UserId then
		local Player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerByUserId(Message.TextSource.UserId)
		MessageProp.PrefixText = "Your tag here " .. Message.PrefixText

	return MessageProp

This is a script capable of providing you a tag in chat, by implementing related ifs verifying the user level in the group, you are able to assign individual tags.

Tip: by putting "<font color='#ffffff'>Your tag</font> " you are able to change its color.

And to further clarify @PiheroB on the color, you can utilise ToHex to convert between your existing Color3 and the Hex code.

hi yes, so i was wondering if you could provide me with an example of toggling a chat tag with “/e tag”. its fine if its not a toggle and it’s just like “/e notag” or “/e tag”. I’m just a bit overwhelmed by the whole toggling thing.

im closing this topic bcuz i paid someone to do this cuz my lazy couldnt script it

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