TextChatService’s default whisper implementation seems to only let you whisper to people via display names. This causes confusion, especially as people can have the same display name as another user and could potentially result in unintended communication. This is also not viable for experiences that don’t wish to utilize the Display Name feature.
Expected behavior
I’d expect to be able to whisper to other players using their unique @Username
If they have a display name you can’t type, such as 悪いモデレーション, nobody can use the whisper command on them. You may still be able to click their name to do it.
It should always prioritize the Username over DisplayName as mentioned above. Whispering is impossible with characters from foreign languages & special characters (such as acute accents) with an English keyboard.
Not a bug. You have to include the @ at the start when typing a username
I originally thought this was a bug too, but it isn’t. It should be stated somewhere that you can use one or the other. This applies to all commands and not just /whisper or /w