TextChatService is now the default for new experiences!

I’m also having this weird glitch where if someone is named [ Content Deleted 82132823 ] this happens:

Here is an account of that sort:

Here is the only modification I do to the chat:

(Emoji being an emoji character)

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Can we have features such as CornerRadius and Padding? One of my games I made with the old Chat Service has a retro internet visual aesthetic that can only be achieved with low padding and 0 corner rounding.

Legacy Chat Service with custom padding and corner radius:

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Here’s an idea for the chat system;
an easy way to send a system message and customize the color, if it’s bold, italic, it’s font, size, and whether the changes should happen before or after… and it be able to be sent with the TextChat.TextChannels.RBXGeneral:DisplaySystemMessage(message,{color,font,textSize}) function. I’ve tried messing with this, and I can not get the color, font, or anything else to change. Anything besides sending a basic message is extremely difficult to do.

Here’s the idea I had for it;

local TextChat = game:GetService("TextChatService")
	["Text_Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255);
	["Font"] = Enum.Font.GothamBlack;
	["TextSize"] = 32;
	["isBold"] = false;["isItalic"] = false,
	["Tag Settings"] = {
		["Tags"] = {"Yes","Yes","Yes"};
		["Tag_Colors"] = {Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0),Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0),Color3.fromRGB(0,0,255)}

The lack of customization for the new system messages is the ONE reason I can’t migrate to the new system in my game. For example, in my game, I have system messages announce whenever a player has a debuff, which displays in red. But since I can only customize system messages with LegacyChat, I don’t see myself migrating to the new chat system until they add something like this.

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@Just2Terrify This should be possible with RichText.

That isn’t the issue, we as developers should be able to send any data we need to the listener so we can make changes where it’s needed. A good example, if we want the font to be different and the text to be bold, we should be able to send data that states that… instead of the whole [b] [i] bold text [/i][/b] stuff.

I understand that Roblox wants to catch up with the times but, many people still don’t know most of these formats, and will be confused immediately when they see all of this. The documentation is horrendeous for the new chat system, so you can’t expect much help there, not to mention very few knowing that it’s coming unless you’re on the developer forums.

I’ve found a bug;
Use tab then talk , tab and talk and something strange will happen

and you should look, the chat have some performance problems: Script_CoreScripts/ExperienceChatMain Very Slow - Bug Reports / Engine Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox

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Was there any updates on this and a way to change the position with UDim2?

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