(TextChatService) No default TextChannel is set when using developer created Text Channels

I’m currently working on a system which involves creating custom text channels, part of this involved setting CreateDefaultTextChannels in TextChatService to false and setting the TargetTextChannel property in ChatInputBarConfiguration to a specified channel.

I am experiencing an issue where upon joining the experience, no default TextChannel is automatically selected in the channels bar. This makes messages entered in the chat box not appear in the chat window until users actually click on the TextChannel in the channels bar, giving users the illusion that the chat isn’t functioning.

Repro Steps:

  • 1: Disable CreateDefaultTextChannels in TextChatService
  • 2: Set ChannelTabsConfiguration to Enabled
  • 3: Create a folder called TextChannels in TextChatService and add one or more TextChannels.
  • 4: Set TargetTextChannel to one of the TextChannels you just created
  • 5: Create a script to add the user to the created channels upon joining (Example in attached repro place.)

I have attached a repro place below this report which demonstrates the issue.

System Info:

Expected behavior

The TargetTextChannel set in ChatInputBarConfiguration should be automatically selected as the default TextChannel upon joining the experience, or some way to set a default text channel.

TextChatService channel bug repro.rbxl (55.1 KB)


I am having this same issue, and can’t find a solution. Luckily Roblox added a bubble next to channels when there are messages there, so it is a bit more obvious, but not an effective solution to this issue.

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This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

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I am encountering with this problem too, I tried by setting TargetTextChannel through ChatInputBarConfiguration to true but at some point, it set by itself to nil.