TextChatService TextChatCommands autocomplete stops working randomly

This is impacting our experience RoCitizens. We are using over 120 TextChatCommands including the core default ones. We (on runtime) create 100+ text chat commands.

In studio the behavior is as expected. However, when I attempt to join a live game, the text chat command autocomplete stops working. It stops working for both roblox and custom chat commands.

Here is us printing our list of commands, and if they have Autocomplete visible.

Expected behavior

The autocomplete works!


Do you have more info on what you are experiencing? You’ve outlined what you are doing and the expected behavior but what is the actual behavior?

It looks like maybe your report got trimmed a bit early. I can take a look and try to see if I can reproduce anything weird.

Edit: Oh I must have missed the first image in the post, it just doesnt appear at all. That is also what I am seeing.

Do you ever delete commands by chance?


We do not delete commands, they’re created on runtime but they dont work for any players: whether they join at the beginning of the server’s life or the end.

For RoCitizens we found a hack that will temporarily “fix” the issue. TextChatService has a ChildAdded connection that’ll force trie to recheck all of the commands.

ExpChat code

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Auto-complete stops working for us outside of studio, with about 22 commands parented to a separate folder under TextChatService. In studio, auto-complete shows up and works as expected.


I am encountering the same issue with the same behaviour that Z11V1 describes. My commands are created on the client however I have also tested creating them on the server and no difference, they work in studio but not in-game.