TextColor wrong?

Look at the Script Color and the Properties Color, the Color Numbers are the same but the Colors are different. Is this a Bugg?:

Like the TextColor3 on the Properties on the right is green but in the script the Text Color3 = Color3 is blue, why?

ignore the message i just sent

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In the properties window it’s formatted with the scale of 0-255 to represent each component of the Color3.

In the constructor you’re using to create the new Color3 object, you’re using the 0-1 scale. (which is the same as 1*255)


This didnt happend earlier, what does that mean and how can i make it so its the same

This behavior I believe has always been there.

To make both colors the same, you’d need to set the color of the object from the properties window to (0, 255, 0)

which again is the same as the color you’re using in your code:

(0, 1, 0)

both colors are the same. The only difference is when you’re using the 0-1 scale (or standard new constructor for the Color3 class) is that each component is multiplied by 255.

e.g: (0, 1*255, 0) = (0, 255, 0) (same as property window.)


Okay thanks i just used Color3.fromrgb its the same with that

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