TextLabel gets cut off when there are many inside of ScrollFrame

I have this Log system that uses Scrollframe and I insert textlabel with it many times.

It has AutomaticCanvasSize to Y axis.

I have this problem where, if the logs are too many, the automation of canvas size makes the incoming textlabels became cut off the render of the scrollframe:

Also, the textlabels have AutomaticSize on Y axis so that it dynamically resize base on the length of text parameters it receives.

You have to use a script to change the size of the scrolling frame depending on the amount of frames in it

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It kinda works, but it messes up the scaling of the log text:

-- update console CanvasSizeY
	Console.AutomaticCanvasSize = Enum.AutomaticSize.None
	local _UIListLayout = Console:FindFirstChild("UIListLayout")
	local _totalCanvasSizeY = 0
	for _, log in pairs(Console:GetChildren()) do
		if log:IsA("TextLabel") then
			_totalCanvasSizeY += log.Size.Y.Scale + (_UIListLayout and _UIListLayout.Padding.Scale or 0)
	Console.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromScale(0, _totalCanvasSizeY + 0.05) -- change canvas size.
	Console.CanvasPosition = Vector2.new(0, Console.AbsoluteCanvasSize.Y) -- go to last canvas position.

or am I doing something wrong…


Mhh maybe try turning Automatic Size to Y