TextLabel glow effect

Hey, I’m trying to add a glow effect for a TextLabel in a SurfaceGUI. I’m working on a Half-Life 1 inspired game, and obviously I need an H.E.V charging station.

As you can see, I have a “CHARGER READY” display screen. I want to make it emanate a green hue. I’ve tried making a green, semi-transparent, neon part that is on the display screen, but it just isn’t doing it for me. Any help is greatly appreciated, and thank you! :smiley:


There’s another way. You can use ThreeDText 2 Plugin by @XAXA here
Refer to the devforum thread here

Like this,

I changed transparency a little.


Maybe turning on the option AlwaysOnTop on your surfacegui, But only do it for the client, not the server.

Use lightinfluence in SurfaceGUI (or whatever it is that you use) and set it to 0, it’ll light up on its own without any lighting effects. That’s the closest you’ll get to an actual glow-effect, cause the last time I checked, there isn’t a way to make surface text glow.


In the image I provided, I already had lightinfluence set to 0. But I’ve already fixed the problem using the ThreeDText 2 plugin.

For anyone of wondering the same question in 2023, now you can actually change a brightness slider under the SurfaceGUI which will provide a glowing effect the higher it is set


Where is this is properties?


Change the LightInfluence under the SurfaceGui to 0, and a new property titled “Brightness” should appear. If you have AlwaysOnTop ticked, it won’t appear, and you’ll have to turn it off.