TextLabel is really blurry

I and my friend are making a ticket machine, and for that we have a Surface Gui on the screen where you select your choice. However, the TextLabels on the machine are extremely blurry (pixelated), so we want it to be sharper.

I have looked on multiple forums that had the same kind of issue, and it was suggested we increase the PixelsPerStud or CanvasSize, this made the Surface Gui shrank and maybe we are doing something wrong, or is there a better method to increase the visibility of a TextLabel?

(Ticket machine with “0” on the TextLabel (to count the amount of tickets))

(Changed, more PixelsPerStud)

Thank you :slight_smile:

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Are you using Offset instead of Scale for Size and Position?

{X, Y},{X,Y}
Offset = X
Scale = Y

If so try using scale instead, if you want to fill the full GUI use {1, 0},{1, 0}.
If you notice that the text is too small, try playing with the PixelsPerStud or CanvasSize some more.


Using scale instead of offset didn’t work.
Nevermind, it worked, thank you so much!