I’m honestly really lost right now, I’ve managed to make a custom chat system that resembles the silly 2006-2011 chat gui, here’s an example of my script using TextService to correctly calculate the sizes of two TextLabels, the username and the text itself
Unfortunately, TextService doesn’t seem to calculate the size of only a single TextLabel, even tho there shouldn’t be a reason not to
Unsure why this is happening, but for some more context, printing out the Vector2 of this text’s size, shows that it’s smaller than it should be.
local messagesize = TS:GetTextSize(" "..text.." ", 16, Enum.Font.Cartoon, main.Example.AbsoluteSize)
Variable text in this case is a string brought over from a RemoteEvent, sending an event to every client
If you need more context to help, please let me know.