Textlabel not affected by UI grid layout

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    Hi, I want to make a scrolling frame with the standard scrolling frame and UI grid layout. BUT, with kind of sub-categories (see picture), that you scroll and there is a title, and after that the other things come. TL:DR Having a title (see picture) inside a scrolling frame with a UI grid layout.
  2. What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!
    I have no idea how to do it, I dont even know if it is possible.

Yes I went to art school

But, with the UI grid layout the parts have to be one size.

So how would I add a text label without it beeing affected by a ui grid layout

Thank you for any help!

This could be achieved by inserting a text box into the scrolling frame.

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basic scrolling thing.rbxm (5.2 KB)

Does this help?

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Put TextLabels inside of it, if that doesn’t work, I don’t know the solution.

@XxKinqSinisterxX @RVVZ @EpicCheatCodes

Hi, I think you might‘ve misunderstood my question.

What I meant was kind of what you guys proposed.

But, with the UI grid layout the parts have to be one size.

So how would I add a text label without it beeing affected by a ui grid layout?

You can get around the UIGridLayout for specific gui objects by moving the UIGridLayout and the gui objects you want affected into a folder.




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Thank you so much, you just saved me a ton of work!
