I’m working on a player list similar to the ones you see in the menus from Piggy, Wormy, etc. I’ve tried to make text labels show up when someone clicks Play, which sends a signal to the server, destroying their not ready status. However, when the function receives the go ahead to launch, the label does not appear, but IT IS present in the playergui. I’m so confused right now and it only renders/shows up when I click on it in Explorer.
This is also in a LocalScript. PlayerAdded/PlayerRemoving have nothing to do with it as of this moment, I’m almost certain of it. The problem is most likely a mistake in the function. The hierarchy is correct and no errors show up.
local function OnPlayerAdded(player)
if not playerlist:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then
repeat wait(1) until player:FindFirstChild("InMenu") == nil
local clone = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("PlayerLabel"):Clone()
clone.Name = player.Name
clone.Text = player.Name
clone.Parent = panel:WaitForChild("PlayerList")
for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if playerlist:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then
Yep, visible = true. It becomes visible/rendered by the client only (contents + all) after clicking it in Explorer (Studio). This is of course not what I’m trying to achieve, as that would mean you cannot see it as a player.
I’ve done my best to re-create it in my studio. It worked fine on my end, maybe its a studio bug, maybe there is something unique in the way you have your stuff set up.
Very strange. Well, thanks for your help. Hopefully someone can notice this thread and find out what my problem is, because my UIs don’t have any weird settings. Can UICorners, Gradients and Gridlayouts really influence that? Dunno.