I am attempting to have a marker that shows how far a player got from the center of the map. However, some TextLabels and Frames stop showing up at seemingly random distances. You can see in the video below the problem. Is there some weird edge-case that I am unaware of with custom characters and billboard guis?
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Are you using 2 different text labels?
Try deleting the name text label, copy paste the 5k thing and set your name to that.
Or it 2 billboard gui and you forgot to set MaxActivation property distance?
Else it may be a roblx engine bug
it could be the render distance as well, try to turn off streamingEnabled it may have been the cause that it’s removing the TextLabel temporarily.
if not, then it could be 2 billboard GUI as what @Myukov said.
It is not 2 BillboardGuis. My guess it may be some sort of engine culling bug with custom characters.
show how it looks like in explorer, and its properties if its not too much to ask
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