TextLabel.Text does not change visually

I’m writing a LocalScript that tells the player how much time it will take to mine a certain ore. The text accurately changes when I am mining something, however when I’m only hovering it appears to be inaccurate in displaying it. Despite this, the TextLabel.Text variable does change, but not visually.

I am printing the Text value of the TextLabel after updating it. Despite the output displaying the correct value (1.00s), it does not display accurately and instead shows 1.10s.

hovergui.MiningTime.Text = string.format("%.2f", CalculateMiningTime(hovering)).."s"

Oddly enough, when I hover on the block beneath me in the screenshot I provided, instead of displaying what the output shows (1.10s), it shows 1.00s instead, so it is definitely changing. No errors appear in the output and the behavior becomes even more unpredictable when I dig deeper.

And as I mentioned, once I start mining these blocks (by holding click), it instantly updates to the correct value despite the fact that the mining function does not include anything that updates the text.

All of this is being edited on the client on every frame using RunService.RenderStepped, and I’m using the PlayerGui to update it, NOT the StarterGui. What on earth do I do here?

If I need to provide more code I gladly can in the replies.