TextPlus Plugin

I found an interesting post by Zacattackk about giving TextLabels some nice effects, but I found it more limiting and hard to use…

So I will let the picture do the talking:

A video tutorial may come out if needed. Will probably be recorded tomorrow.

:o photoshop blending options into roblox plugin, someone give this woman a cat

The title of the GUI frame looks ugly, though.
Oh, the irony.

Nice plugin though.

Thanks for giving credit :smiley:

  • and there is a ‘c’ before the double k’s at the end of my name XD

[quote] The title of the GUI frame looks ugly, though.
Oh, the irony. [/quote]

[quote] Thanks for giving credit :smiley:

  • and there is a ‘c’ before the double k’s at the end of my name XD [/quote]
    and Fixed

That is so awesome!

Maybe you could make a custom font plugin. You will have to upload a decal for every letter and number, but it would be cool to see, and I would definitely use it. If you were to pick a font, I’d suggest Mryiad Pro Light.

Not my thing. Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Convert this into a module?

I sure can once I get a minute.

Module is done!
Model: http://www.roblox.com/TextPlus-Module-item?id=276261457


--[[TextPlus module by FromLegoUniverse (base math by Zacattack)
Module:ApplyEffects(Instance TextLabel,Bool ShadowsEnabled,Bool BevelEnabled,Float Angle,TableOrNil Overrides)
	Instance TextLabel: Instance of the text label to add effects
	Bool ShadowsEnabled: If true, adds shadows
	Bool BevelEnabled: If true, adds a glow/bevel
	Float Angle: The number (in degrees) of how light effects the bevel and shadows (should be 0 to 360)
	TableOrNil Overrides: See below
Module:RemoveEffects(Instance TextLabel,Bool PreserveShadow,Bool PreserveBevel)
	Instance TextLabel: Instance of the text label to remove effects
	Bool PreserveShadow: If true, it will keep shadow effects if any
	Bool PreserveBevel: If true, it will keep the bevel effects if any
	Overrides is an optional table for ApplyEffects, that gives overrides to the settings below.
	The table would be formatted like so:
	{Mode = "Direct",ShadowColor = Color3.new(1,1,1),ShadowDistance = 4},
	or Property = Override property
	Here is what each does:
		Cartoonify: 0 is normal fade, 1 is hard shadows, and 2 is hard and thick shadows
		Mode: Weak is a weak shadow, Strong is a medium shadow, Direct is a strong shadow, 
			and Center is a full shadow around 
		ShadowColor: Color of the Shadow
		ShadowTransparency: Transparency of the shadow (if Cartoonify is 0)
		ShadowDistance: How far away the shadow is from the text
		TextStrokeTransparency: Stroke of the shadow if Cartoonify is 0 or 1
		BevelGlowColor: Color of the glow of the bevel
		BevelGlowTransparency: Transparency of the glow of the bevel
		BevelShadowColor: Color of the shadow of the bevel
		BevelShadowTransparency: Transparency of the shadow of the bevel
		BevelDistance: Distance of the bevel from the text

local Cartoonify = 0
local Mode = "Weak" --Weak, Strong, Direct, Center
local ShadowColor = Color3.new(0,0,0)
local ShadowTransparency = 0.92
local ShadowDistance = 4
local TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
local BevelGlowColor = Color3.new(1,1,1)
local BevelGlowTransparency = 0.92
local BevelShadowColor = Color3.new(0,0,0)
local BevelShadowTransparency = 0.95
local BevelDistance = 2

local sin,rad,cos = math.sin,math.rad,math.cos

local Module = {}
function Module:ApplyEffects(Label,ShadowsEnabled,BevelEnabled,EffectAngle,Overrides)
	if not Label then error("Unable to apply effects, not label given") end
	if not EffectAngle then warn("No Angle given, using 0 degrees") EffectAngle = 0 end
	Overrides = Overrides or {}
	local Cartoonify = Overrides.Cartoonify or Cartoonify
	local Mode = Overrides.Mode or Mode
	local ShadowColor = Overrides.ShadowColor or ShadowColor
	local ShadowTransparency = Overrides.ShadowTransparency or ShadowTransparency
	local ShadowDistance = Overrides.ShadowDistance or ShadowDistance
	local TextStrokeTransparency = Overrides.TextStrokeTransparency or TextStrokeTransparency
	local BevelGlowColor = Overrides.BevelGlowColor or BevelGlowColor
	local BevelGlowTransparency = Overrides.BevelGlowTransparency or BevelGlowTransparency
	local BevelShadowColor = Overrides.BevelShadowColor or BevelShadowColor
	local BevelShadowTransparency = Overrides.BevelShadowTransparency or BevelShadowTransparency
	local BevelDistance = Overrides.BevelDistance or BevelDistance

	if Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow") then Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow"):Destroy() end
	if Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow2") then Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow2"):Destroy() end
	if Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow3") then Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow3"):Destroy() end
	if Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow4") then Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow4"):Destroy() end
	if Label:FindFirstChild("BevelGlow") then Label:FindFirstChild("BevelGlow"):Destroy() end
	if Label:FindFirstChild("BevelShadow") then Label:FindFirstChild("BevelShadow"):Destroy() end
	if Label.ZIndex < 2 then
		Label.ZIndex = 2
	elseif Label.ZIndex > 9 then
		Label.ZIndex = 9
	local t_zindex = Label.ZIndex
	if ShadowsEnabled == true then
		local s = Label:Clone()
		s.Parent = Label
		s.ZIndex = t_zindex - 1
		s.Name = "Shadow"
		s.TextColor3 = ShadowColor
		s.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
		s.TextStrokeColor3 = ShadowColor
		s.TextTransparency = ShadowTransparency
		s.TextStrokeTransparency = ShadowTransparency
		s.BackgroundTransparency = 1
		if Cartoonify == 1 then
			s.TextTransparency = 0
			s.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
		elseif Cartoonify == 2 then
			s.TextTransparency = 0
			s.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
		if Mode == "Weak" then
			local RAngle = rad(EffectAngle + 180)
			local X,Y = cos(RAngle)*ShadowDistance,-sin(RAngle)*ShadowDistance
			s.Position = UDim2.new(0,X,0,Y)
		elseif Mode == "Strong" then
			local s2 = s:Clone()
			s2.Name = "Shadow2"
			s2.Parent = Label
			local RAngle = rad(EffectAngle + 180 + 45)
			local X,Y = cos(RAngle)*ShadowDistance,-sin(RAngle)*ShadowDistance
			s.Position = UDim2.new(0,X,0,Y)
			local RAngle = rad(EffectAngle + 180 - 45)
			local X,Y = cos(RAngle)*ShadowDistance,-sin(RAngle)*ShadowDistance
			s2.Position = UDim2.new(0,X,0,Y)
		elseif Mode == "Direct" then
			local s2 = s:Clone()
			s2.Name = "Shadow2"
			s2.Parent = Label
			local s3 = s:Clone()
			s3.Name = "Shadow3"
			s3.Parent = Label
			local RAngle = rad(EffectAngle + 180)
			local X,Y = cos(RAngle)*ShadowDistance,-sin(RAngle)*ShadowDistance
			s.Position = UDim2.new(0,X,0,Y)
			local RAngle = rad(EffectAngle + 180 + 125)
			local X,Y = cos(RAngle)*ShadowDistance/2,-sin(RAngle)*ShadowDistance/2
			s2.Position = UDim2.new(0,X,0,Y)
			local RAngle = rad(EffectAngle + 180 - 125)	
			local X,Y = cos(RAngle)*ShadowDistance/2,-sin(RAngle)*ShadowDistance/2
			s3.Position = UDim2.new(0,X,0,Y)
		elseif Mode == "Center" then
			local s2 = s:Clone()
			s2.Name = "Shadow2"
			s2.Parent = Label
			local s3 = s:Clone()
			s3.Name = "Shadow3"
			s3.Parent = Label
			local s4 = s:Clone()
			s4.Name = "Shadow4"
			s4.Parent = Label
			local RAngle = rad(45)
			local X,Y = cos(RAngle)*ShadowDistance,-sin(RAngle)*ShadowDistance
			s.Position = UDim2.new(0,X,0,Y)
			s2.Position = UDim2.new(0,X,0,-Y)
			s3.Position = UDim2.new(0,-X,0,Y)			
			s4.Position = UDim2.new(0,-X,0,-Y)
	if BevelEnabled == true then
		local b = Label:Clone()
		b.Parent = Label
		b.Name = "BevelGlow"
		b.ZIndex = t_zindex + 1
		b.TextColor3 = BevelGlowColor
		b.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
		b.TextStrokeColor3 = BevelGlowColor
		b.TextTransparency = BevelGlowTransparency
		b.TextStrokeTransparency = BevelGlowTransparency
		b.BackgroundTransparency = 1
		local b2 = b:Clone()
		b2.Parent = Label
		b2.Name = "BevelShadow"
		b2.TextColor3 = BevelShadowColor
		b2.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
		b2.TextStrokeColor3 = BevelShadowColor
		b2.TextTransparency = BevelShadowTransparency
		b2.TextStrokeTransparency = BevelShadowTransparency
		b2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
		local RAngle = rad(EffectAngle)
		local X,Y = cos(RAngle)*BevelDistance,-sin(RAngle)*BevelDistance
		b.Position = UDim2.new(0,X,0,Y)
		b2.Position = UDim2.new(0,-X,0,-Y)

function Module:RemoveEffects(Label,Shadow,Bevel)
	if not Label then error("Unable to remove effects, not label given") end
	if Shadow ~= true then
		local Shadow,Shadow2,Shadow3,Shadow4 = Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow"),Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow2"),Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow3"),Label:FindFirstChild("Shadow4")
		if Shadow then Shadow:Destroy() end
		if Shadow2 then Shadow2:Destroy() end
		if Shadow3 then Shadow3:Destroy() end
		if Shadow4 then Shadow4:Destroy() end
	if Bevel ~= true then
		local Glow,Shadow = Label:FindFirstChild("BevelGlow"),Label:FindFirstChild("BevelShadow")
		if Glow then Glow:Destroy() end
		if Shadow then Shadow:Destroy() end

return Module

Oh wow, thanks for the custom fonts link, that’s very helpful :smiley:

Wow thanks i’ve been looking for something like this, pretty cool.