Texture Exporting Bug

I’m trying to get past this annoying texture “bug” that i’ve been having in blender. These little lines always go into maps I export for commissions.
These objects are all smoothplastic.

I’ve used a script that gets rid of all the normal maps, it worked but the lines are still there, if anybody can help me with this, it’ll be greatly appreciated.

You mean line down there?
square shapes? like studs?

or the one that is looks like an error picture Among the squares texture?

Move this to #help-and-feedback:building-support

I mean the stud-like texture on the brown part.

does it have a different image file than the yellow one?
and is this a decal or texture in a mesh part and something like that?

It’s just smoothplastic from studio. It always has those lines when I export a map.

you mean material texture>Smooth Plastic?

with no decal or texture and surface you add?

Yeah, that material texture. I didn’t add any thing to it.

I never found any texture when I was using smooth plastic, on me smooth plastic always blank.
but the texture I see here is almost the same as

Plastic+Studs Surface

So basically this is something that blender does by default for some reason so its not really a bug but lemme show you how to fix that real quick.

So by default blender is set up like this for you.
You gotta go to the top right window and change it to shading editor like so:

After that you choose one material of the object you have

And then up there in the shading editor you remove that one node that is connected to the normal input, and yes you can also delete the other node thats connected to that normal map node but it isn’t important because it wont be connected to anything.

Now that its removed your material should be working fine, if it still doesnt then make sure you remove that node from all the materials that is applied to your object.