Texture Generator Problem

Anyone can test this themselves fairly easily if they know how to import 3D in Roblox Studio. So I have a sphere and when I generate a texture using the texture generator… it doesn’t work. I tried material variant which is a great way to bring pbr textures from external software into Roblox and that doesn’t work correctly either. The material variants become distorted from the sphere shape. What are you supposed to do? This should be such a simple thing and once again Roblox turns simple things into nightmares :disappointed:

Bumping this. There should at least be one answer by now as this is not a complex problem.

don’t use it. just don’t.

make your own or find your own.
but don’t use it.

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Yeah I ended up finding a good snowball texture online it took long enough but I finally did. It’s certainly not perfect but it’s good enough considering how difficult it is to get a smooth texture onto spheres in Roblox.

Snowball Texture Image

Maybe not the best up close but while moving people can’t see it anyway so yeah it works fine. Nobody goes into games and studies the textures of things unless they are devs themselves lol.

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