Texture get blurry?

Texture get blurry? [UNSOLVED]

Hey devs!

I uploaded some really low quality images to roblox that I wanna add to a block/part.
The problem is that the texture is really low quality and then whenever I add the texture as a decal/texture it gets stretched out and gets extremely blurry.

This is what I was trying to make

But this is how it looks when I upload them to roblox

I am aware that I can just scale the image up with the scale by near neighbour option in photoshop but then the image would be a much higher resulution just taking up space for no reason.

Thanks for reading!


That’s just how the engine works, make the image bigger in resolution and it’ll end more accurately to your needs.
The blurriness are the pixels of the texture being stretched out.

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I’d say, You’ve said it very well and yes Roblox does blur pixel images lower than 150 resolution and so making the pixel texture be at a higher resolution will fix it.

@oliwieer4, Can you make @oliwieer4’s post be the solution, as he said it very well.

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I am indeed aware that the blurriness is caused by the pixels being stretched out, but I was wondering if anyone knew how to make the image scale by using “scale by nearest neighbour”

As I can see that is not possible and I sadly have to use the laggy method.
Either way thanks for reading and helping!

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For future people coming across this. Create a surfaceGUI with an imageLabel inside. Then set the ResampleType on the imageLabel to Pixelated. There you go!

I too have considered this solution, but I’m not sure if rendering hundreds of SurfaceGUIs at a time (say for example in a voxel game) is as efficient as just using a meshpart’s TextureID property.

sucks how inherent mesh texture filtering options still arent a thing in roblox