Texture Library Plugin

Evening, forum.

Around a year ago, whilst working on the Eustacio Pliego Art Exhibit, I stumbled upon several free models that contained groups of parts with “Textures” applied to them. It was fairly easy to copy and paste the textures onto parts of my build, but none of them had names or labels on them. Additionally, I was forced to repeatedly return to the free model, proving to be a tedious process. This here, gentlemen, was the origin of my texture plugin. With my plugin, these problems are eliminated. Every texture is indexed, named and categorized to be easily accessible. Features such as searching, favoriting, and texture adjustments improve the user experience further.

Contained in the library are 164 textures taken from the Roblox toolbox (the free models I mentioned earlier), and 318 textures that I have taken from free texture websites.

With the property widget one can adjust the size, transparency, texture color, and brick color. It also lets you copy and paste textures and recursively delete textures in a selection or on a part (With the option to undo, of course).

The settings menu lets you disable aesthetical plugin features that you may find undesirable.

This plugin helps developers add detail to their build and increase its realism. Here are examples with some textures applied:


I’m hoping to receive some feedback on here. I want to be informed on what areas I to focus on in the future and what bugs occur. Here’s the plugin if you’re interested:


Nice resource! I haven’t tried it,but it looks like it doesn’t support SurfaceAppearances. It would be neat to add an optional PBR/SurfaceAppearance option with normal maps and stuff!


I’m planning on it once Roblox adds tiling functionality to SurfaceAppearances. They also can only be put on MeshParts, so I hope we are also able to apply them to all BaseParts in the future.


Can you create a Discord Server or use this post as a way for the community to request you to add some texture they create/find interesting?


nice! this would be very helpful for some of us

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I’ve been trying this out for a little bit and it’s amazing! This will definitely become part of my workflow, thank you for sharing with us :slight_smile:

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This is so useful!! I am surprised I haven’t seen anything else like this, this deserves a lot of attention. TYSM!

Lifesaver, I’ve been wanting to experiment with more textures! :smile:

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Nice plug-in but could you add a shiny metal texture?

this sposed to happen or is my net acting up again?
either way lit plugin ngl. i was working on some textures with overlays 5 mins ago and was thinking of making smthg like this :joy:

Some textures appear black because they are opaque and the texture color is set to a black. It only does this for legacy textures. I’ll put out a fix for this soon.


Yooo!! This is awesome, I’m gonna use this in ALL of my games!!

fr though, thanks

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This is beyond awesome and so well set up as well! great job and thanks for making this!

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It’s so Cool!!! I was looking for a Plugin like this. Tysm :star_struck:

I can’t remove this (Color Selector)

(I already reinstalled the plugin)

This is a common studio bug. I’m sure you’ve fixed this already, but if it happens again you can:

  • Select the window
  • Press ALT + Spacebar and then press M
  • Use the arrow keys to move the window down and press ENTER

Nice looking forward this plugin for my future projects and be a better devopler

Does the plugin also work for terrain?

Hi there!

This plugin is extremely useful, but there is one feature I would like to request. Is there any way that you could upload all of the textures as images as well, as this would be helpful for using as a texture for UI. It would be even better if there was a feature to use it for UI. I think this can be achieved by playing around with ScaleType Tile settings

Thank you!