Texture problems, need help with fixing (READ REPLY)

Hello. Im working with textures this time and it is my first time working with textures so i dont know anything about it. I ran into this problem right away. THis is a 5 by 5 by 5 cube, and i put a texture on it that i made in paint.net. It makes many of them as you can see, and i need help with fixing this problem especially if im planning to put this on my shades. pls help.image

Use a decal instead of a texture. That way there will only be one image, instead of it repeating.


If you want more or less tiles on the face of your shape, you can do this by changing the StudsPerTileU and StudsPerTileV values under Appearance in the texture’s properties.


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StudsPerTile is default set to 2, you need to change both to 5 for your use case.

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Thank you all for your help i really appreciate it! :))))

Also another problem i ran into though: what if i want the decal to be on a certain area of the part, not the whole face? what do i do then? image

In that case, you’ll have to have an invisible part, and put the image on that; then scale the part to where you want the image.


Brilliant. Thanks so much you guys, this was very needed as I am in quite a big hurry to get things done, and I learned a thing or two in the process! TYSM!

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