Texture won't show on a part that have a mesh

  • What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)

    I am trying to make a large part ocean that can be swim in but when I try to add a texture, it won’t show
    (Keep in mind that I use a free model mesh from a tutorial for this because I haven’t have an experience with 3D modeling software yet)

  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)

    The texture won’t show on the part
    Screenshot (57)

  • What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)

I tried changing the side where the texture will show and try searching for solution but still have no idea
and btw the reason I decide to use mesh for the ocean is to surpass to scaling limit on normal parts so it easier to script on it

I think you might wanna put the texture id on the mesh (in the properties), not in the part.


It could be either:

  • Texture is broken

  • Texture is intended to be like that

  • Texture ID that you used is wrong

First you need to know that textures act as decals when used on parts with meshes (however, this doesnt happen on MeshParts)

In case you can remove the mesh from the part, you should check if the texture’s “Face” property is set to where the top of the ocean should be

If it still doesnt show, you should check if you put the texture ID correctly

I made few tree models and everything was fine but now for some reason all texture on them are grey, and yes they have ID and its just grey, I exported new ones from studio and same problem like studio doesn’t want that textures.

Also, if i change texture to smh else it works perfectly.