Ive have recently been deciding whether or not i should add textures to things that might need them for example my sidewalk. Before i add them into the game however i want to see what the community thinks. What do you think?
It doesn’t really matter which one you use. Personally, the textured one looks more like the wall of a building, I would of used a different texture or stick with concrete.
It would really depend on the rest of your map and if you use textures frequently in the rest of it. Personally, I prefer to use the bricks and add in 3D detailing instead of texturing, but it does increase the work by a good bit.
I personally think it depends on the textures that you decide to use.
If something looks better with a texture, you should use it. Sometimes though, it’s better to make something more detailed than to slap a texture onto it and call it a day.
It also doesn’t help that the current texture that you have placed onto the sidewalk looks more like a texture used for bricks on a house, for example.
Sometimes overlaying different textures that aren’t too dark or strong against each other can make a nice effect too! For a sidewalk, I would rather have the different slabs of pavement join up to make one large sidewalk. Then, you could easily adjust the size of your sidewalk much easier.
Once again, it’s up to you, we’re only here to offer ideas and not to dictate the creative direction or ideas that you use.
One thing you might consider is using a faded brick texture, to resemble natural wear and tear on the path. It might also help relieve the “building wall” vibes, and make it seem more like a pathway.
It depends, if you try to make money if it and claim it as your own, that’s illegal. Putting free models into a popular game is bad because Dosent really show your builds and what you can achieve.
i don’t make money off my game and i have been working with studio on my game for 6 months when i started learning. So i am still very small with developing or building i am better with roblox parts. I have heard of blender and might try to learn it to make my own lamp post but for now i will use this lamp post until i can start to learn modeling and mesh making. Never will i ever claim a free model as my own thats just wrong.