Textures, animations, sounds, characters, particles etc not loading / barely loading

i have tried various common troubleshooting methods but none of them worked. the output is spamming errors

my ping is good and my network speed is also good

this is how a game looks rn :

output :

the studio is no better. the sky etc doesnt has any texture and many games are throwing an http error when opened

pls help its frustrating and annoying


It could be an ISP issue, or some temporary issues on Roblox’s side with specific datacenters.

This issue is going for about 2-3 days for me now, and I also do not see any reports made about this atm. I have also asked several people that if they encounter this issue but all of them have said no so far

Have you tried restarting your router and computer? When in game, other people still move around, right?

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Yes, there is no lag and yes, I have tried restarting router and computer and have also tried resetting network adapters. Still, nothing seems to work.

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Maybe some software on your computer is blocking URLs from Roblox? Do you use any network managing programs?

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I have an anti virus program. Other than that, there isnt any software which interferes with network. I havent changed any settings on the anti virus before the issue started occuring, so I doubt it’s because of the anti virus.

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nvm it somehow magically got fixed when I restarted the anti virus



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