hello. I recently detected a problem.
Textures doesn’t appear on a unioned model (I don’t know why). That is a very important problem because I can’t texture my building without it /:
I hope you can help me
hello. I recently detected a problem.
Do the textures have an ID? Have you tested it on a regular part?
Yes, They have a ID and they work on reg part.
Could I try to reproduce this same issue?
Umm. Yes, You just have to do an unioned model and put textures on it
I am not having the same issue.
Please provide more info. Are the assets loaded? Is this TeamCreate? Are there any other things you think might be causing the issue?
I’m fine as well.
There is not TeamCreate and PartColor is enabled
I’m still not having any issues.
Please check to make sure the image you’re using passed moderation and is loading properly. If the problem persists after that, please provide the following:
It works on a new place. What do you think this can be caused ?
Sometimes plugins can corrupt a place. Try disabling the plugins.