Textures go black and become visible through fog

Reproduction Steps
In our game Glacier, we have a paint bucket feature that paints vehicles with a snow texture which is applied to all parts in the vehicle.

We’ve noticed that when doing this, if someone is far from a vehicle, they will be able to spot the vehicle through its textures, which become black through fog, making the vehicle visible from almost everywhere in the map.

It’s important to note that our game uses an inverted sphere to simulate sky fog, making the entire sky become a cetain color, and we use Roblox’s default fog together with it to create a blending effect.

Expected Behavior
I expect the texture to not go black and instead behave like it does when close to it, and have the fog blend like it does with parts normally.

Actual Behavior

The two vehicles in black can also be seen through the fog, and are tanks with a snow camo texture applied.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly


Thank you for submitting this report. We are currently reviewing all bug reports to ensure we have not overlooked any ongoing issues. Since this issue was reported over two years ago, can you please confirm you are still experiencing the problem? If so, please respond to this thread, and we will investigate. If we do not receive any response within 30 days, we will consider this matter resolved. Thank you.