Textures not applying correctly on UnionOperations

I am creating a factory game consisting of blocks, where each block has 6 texture instances within it. I have some pre-existing elements, however due to consisting of 100s of parts I have decided to union them to enhance performance.

Here is how it looks before unioning the part:

Here is how it looks after unioning the part and applying the texture;

It is clear that the texture no longer respects the dimensions of the UnionOperation, as it is stretched. Even when changing the StudsPerTile it still does not change.

This has occurred on multiple unions so far.

Here is a place file to see the problem:

Before After Union.rbxl (104.4 KB)

Expected behavior

The textures should not be stretched and apply the same way as before.

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Do you have this enabled?

If so, try disabling it.

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