Textures not exporting with models from Studio

Reproduction Steps

When you click “Export Selection” on a Meshpart within Studio, it normally gives you three files, (.obj, .mtl, texture.png). The texture image is not being exported with these models. I have tried this on multiple different models and even relaunched Studio.

Expected Behavior
I should see a texture image pop up in that folder along with the two other files.

Actual Behavior
I do not get a texture file, as you can see, I only have the two other files.

Currently, my workaround is to copy the texture ID from the Meshpart, paste it into the URL of a Roblox Decal to bring up the texture image, download said image, and add the image to the file.

This also doesn’t apply the texture automatically in applications such as Blender which means I have even more steps after that. For models that have multiple textures, this step needs to be repeated for as many textures as your model has.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-09-22 23:09:00 (+01:00)

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I’ve reverted the change that might have caused this. Please try again (you might have to restart Studio) and let me know if you are still having issues.


All working now, thank you so much!!

I’m not getting the .tex file when exporting a character anymore. Was working about a day ago.

Seems to be happening again. Repro steps were exactly the same as before, the same place was used as well. I have not enabled or disabled any settings since then either.

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