Textures not scaling properly on Unions. How to fix?

Hello everyone, so I have a problem that i’ve recently come up with. I’m trying to negate and union parts in-game and while that works fine, when I want to apply textures to them afterwards the texture either don’t show up at all or are extremely stretched like these pictures show. Here, i’m just changing the Face property to different sides to show you the distortions. None of them display properly.

Can anyone tell me what’s going on here and how if I can possibly apply a texture to unions made in-game? Thank you very much.


I don’t know why but when making a union of a part with a negated part, the texture will be fine but when making a union of a part with a negated union, the texture will break.



( All parts in this screenshot have the same CFrame so only the texture is unintentionally rotated )

So to respond to your question, the only way I know to fix this is to make the union without negated parts.


I had a similar problem with meshparts and creating a custom material with material service instead of a texture worked for me.

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That sounds interesting. Do you know how I could do that? Are there any tutorials available? Thanks.

Also I don’t think this can be fixed guys because it has to do with the triangles in a union, there are only workarounds.

But will the custom material repeat like the texture? I need it to repeat the pattern like shown above with the working texture. Thanks.

Yes custom materials repeat just like normal roblox ones