Alright! So I made this RPG model and tried to import it into Roblox Studio, And the textures seem to bug out and show up as one color. This is what it looks like in Blender:
And this is what it looks like in Roblox Studio:
They are separate meshes with separate textures, Yet it still glitches out.
UV and Textures:
Here is the texture and UV for the Launcher (2000x2000):
It looks like Roblox’s image compression is wrecking your texture because you didn’t unwrap it well. You need to properly UV unwrap the launcher (and honestly the rocket could unwrapped better too). Make sure you mark your seams and unwrap to maximize texture space. Watch some tutorials on how, there’s dozens that explain it better than we can
Nevermind, I fixed it. All I had to do was not export them as obj groups then limit it to Selection Only and, Export them individually instead of an obj group.
It looks good, but you should still fix your UV and texture, you have a lot of redundant space that would be better if used, and you can combine two textures into one to improve game performance. If you aren’t filling up your UV space, it means you should pack your UV islands better.
For example, all these mail assets share the same texture because they’re small objects and the style of the game doesn’t need highly detailed textures. This meant that I had a lot of small textures that I could fit onto one single, larger Texture Atlas, which is more performance friendly than eight small textures.