I upload my mesh and my texture but no matter what texture it is at surtain parts its extremly streched
Heres a picture when i try a diffrent texture still same problem
what do i do
I upload my mesh and my texture but no matter what texture it is at surtain parts its extremly streched
Heres a picture when i try a diffrent texture still same problem
what do i do
I’m not sure since I haven’t textured a Mesh, but what format is your imported TextureId in?
Have you made any changes to the Mesh but are still applying the original Texture?
Have you resized the Mesh?
Its in .png i haven’t made any changes im applying the same texture i used for the original mesh
i have resized the mesh
If your texture exceeds the size of 1024x1024, it will be stretched when uploading it.
Even if it’s not, it will still stretch to a square image.
If you changed UV’s of your object you would have to export it again. My only guess is that you did not export the object again
its not in the texture i think when i upload just a standard camoflauge it dosent work at some areas and it gets streched its a problem with the mesh i think
In that case, it’s probably what @palace_one said about the UVs on the mesh. Did you change the UV map? If so, you will need to export the mesh again.
I recently did something similar by updating a mesh, but I didn’t need to update the texture, so I’m not sure what particular issue you’re having.
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