Textures wont load correctly on Blender

Hey, I have used roblox models before and it worked fine. But today when I tried loading a texture on to the rig this was the result…

I dont have any idea what to do… There are multiple texture files and I know I use the character one…

Do any of you have an idea on what I have to do?

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If this ever happens to you, don’t worry, it’s easy.

This will only happen if you export your character if your character is R15.

So… If you want the textures not to glitch, open Roblox Studio, load your character in R6!!! And export it.
Now when you try and load the texture into Blender it should work fine.


Thank u I was looking for the solution for like 30 minutes :sob:

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Maybe you should go to a blender forum

The creators of v-land were probably made in blender

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