Recently stumbled across this issue which would not let me import meshes from Unity to Roblox with textures, with the following error: “Could not find Texture U:etc., Please verify that the texture is located at that location or in the same folder as the fbx/obj file” For some reason it’s showing me a non- existent pathway from Dropbox? Besides that, the textures are in the same folder as the models but they’re saved as .META type file
P.S The models are from the Unity asset store and the texture load fine there. One thing that I noticed is that there is a .png file with all of the textures mashed up together?
I’d do that as well, but I have no clue where the textures are located at. There’s one folder that has the .PNG file but it has all of the textures mashed up together. Besides that there are .META files in the same folder with the objects themselves, but ROBLOX for some reason does not recognize them? (These are Imported from Unity)
Another way to make this happen would be CREATING that direction, try going as far as you can to any VALID path and create new folders named the way they are provided in the path ROBLOX asks for. Which would eventually lead to the folder ROBLOX wants?
Try opening the file in blender and re-exporting it. I’m guessing the file has the artist’s own file path baked in and Roblox doesn’t know how to handle it. You can also try applying the textures in blender, or uploading the textures as a decal and applying them to the mesh yourself.
There is no such thing as a useless drive. You don’t know anything about OP’s system. It is ludicrously irresponsible for you to suggest this.
Do you have blender installed? Please open the model file in blender, delete the starting cube by pressing del on your keyboard, and from the File menu in the top bar, select Import > FBX and find your file, then press Import FBX in the top right corner. Once you’ve done that, go to File > Export > FBX, and export the model with a new filename.
Unfortunately I don’t know anything about applying textures in blender, so I can’t help you there. There may be some information on Google for this, but uploading the texture as a decal may also work instead.
I wanted to state that, but I had to go for a second - and voila you replied. Anyways, I’ve got a drive that’s useless for example with no files at all.
Still, meanwhile a hard process, might work. I’ll try getting more information on other possible ways.
As a PSA for future reference please do not attempt to modify important files in your system drive, or environment variables, etc. in an attempt to fix an issue if suggested by another user, you could cause serious damage to your operating system causing it to not be able to boot, or worse, data loss.
I told them, that a SYSTEM drive should not BE modified. However that a drive with no PROGRAM or WINDOWS or Important files CAN be Modified.
However, I’ll drop this and it’s up to you guys to decide. I’m out.