[TGAR] - Battle of Alderaan Update Log

Battle of Alderaan [V3]

Terminal Commands

!official true,false - This will make the server official/unofficial.
!restrictweapons true,false - This will remove all weapons except for DC-15S, E-5. (Should be used for group raids)
!startraid # - This will begin the raid, respawning all and starting the raid time # (in minutes)
!raidtime # - Change the raidtime to # (in minutes)
!claimtime # - Change the time raiders need to hold terminal.
!lockterm - This will prevent the terminal from being captured.
!unlockterm - This will make the terminal able to be captured.
!resetterm - This will reset the terminal to the default statistics.

Update Logs

28 February 2020

-2 Valor now awarded every 15 minutes (notification prompt fixed)
-Animation store is released
-Animation gamepass bug fixed
-Animation toggle can now be found in settings (turn on/off to toggle the PURCHASABLE animations, all default animations will remain on)

24 February 2020

-Toggle chat keybind added Z
-Killfeed bug that only logged one kill per 5 seconds is fixed, will log every kill now.
-!restrictweapons true/false (Restrict weapons command added for raids (will remove all weapons except for DC-15S and E-5)
-Settings Icons scaled a bit nicer

18 February 2020

-Command can now be used to view valor ingame :getValor there is a delay set to only be able to use this command every 2 minutes (can only be used by E1-E7 as officers don’t have required valor for next rank)
-Notification should now appear when valor is given for patrolling per 30 minutes.
-Rescaled new UI buttons
-Collisions should be disabled on every gun now
-Minor bug fixes

17 February 2020

-Teleport prompt created for E1’s to teleport them to the E1 Obstacle Course to be promoted to E2
-Reduced Valor amount given per 30 minutes of gameplay from 7 to 5
-Disabled collisions on the Limited Gamepass Westar-35
-Killfeed UI re-enabled and is functioning now
-Adjusted shop/menu buttons
-Shop scripts were enabled

16 February 2020

-GunGui will no longer be affected by the toggle UI keybind.
-Softshudown implemented - whenever the main game is shutdown, you will automatically be placed in a new server.
-Limited gamepass implemented (limited Black and Red Westar-35 and Floating animation (M) that will never be sold again) Goes off sale 18th February.
-Automatic Valor given for every 30 minutes ingame

15 February 2020


-New UI design (maintains consistency through all UIs)
-UIs will now scale so that it is more compatible with mobile players.
-New Weapon UI (will toggle on/off depending if you have your weapon out)
-New custom tool handler
-New terminal UI
-New defence notification (#defense-feed) will shout when “!startraid” command is used
-New killfeed UI
-New Settings Frame (Mute music, toggle materials, toggle shaders, keybind list)
-New shop
-Animations are now binded to keys, Salute “V”, At Ease “X”, your weapons will be removed whilst in the animation. (may change)
-Keybind “L” added to toggle the visibility of UIs
-Jail system now has a suspect confirmation frame + unarresting reasoning works now.
-AFK/Tabbing out Walking has been enabled

-New raider spawn
-Training section overhaul
-Cantina opened
-New office building
-New Jail
-Tunnel system overhaul

Varcia Grounds

Terminal Commands

termtime #