ok so im trying to recreate old pose animations but they wont work
Here is how it originally should look
but when i test it it looks like this
can someone help with this?
ok so im trying to recreate old pose animations but they wont work
Here is how it originally should look
but when i test it it looks like this
can someone help with this?
its a pretty simple code
local animation = script:WaitForChild('Animation')
local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
local dance = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)
You seem to either be missing keyframes for the arms or theres an issue with the animation priority.
i set the highest priority so its not that
also wdym im missing keyframes its the same animation i uploaded
bumping i cant find a solution
Loading the animations into the humanoid is deprecated, perhaps that could be the issue, try to load them into the Animator:
local dance = humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator"):LoadAnimation(animation)
Items being deprecated won’t immediately make them unusuable, but yes, it is best to switch over.
For the OP, I recommended modifying the weight of the animation. Usually animations appear half or barely playing due to low weight (overrided by other animations).
As I understand OP already has the highest priority on the animation as OP stated it, unless made a mistake:
Well… its been like 3 years maybe? since Animator should be used to load the animations(?)
Yeah, its not like completely broken, but surely it causes unstable behavior with animations in some cases
i just tried this but it still wont work
also there aren’t any other animations being played
Perhaps you could share the KeyframeSequence file, so we can test it too, its ok if you dont want to
yes thats how it should look what did you do to make it work?
edit : i realised the rig i used would just not work for some reason
Nothing special, I just loaded your file into the animator with a new Rig R6, I added a second column of keyframes copying the first column you made, I set it on loop, set it to action 4, and loaded the animation into the Animator instance of the humanoid
i made a new rig and now it works fine
idk why the last rig would break the animation but it works now
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