The AutoSave struggle

One of the things that drives me absolutely insane about Roblox Studio, is that if studio crashes, the auto saved place file doesn’t link itself to the game/universe you had open.

Originally was possible to work around this by calling SetPlaceId and SetCreatorId, however you guys now seem to require the universe id to be set, and since SetUniverseId doesn’t work correctly, its basically impossible.

I have to keep opening up the current version of the place, and then I have to copy over everything that I’ve changed so that I can continue to make use of universe features, and if it crashes again, I have to repeat that all over again. Its just ridiculous imo.

TL;DR - Can you guys add some kinda of metadata to .rbxl files that tells studio to link the place file to a specific universe?

Just open the place file and press publish, that will link everything correctly.

I shouldn’t have to publish an unstable build of my game to the actual place in order to access my game’s data.

Plus, if I roll back the change from the configuration page, it shuts down all the servers :s

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I have the exact same problem.

Some of the scripts in my game use the LinkedSource feature, and because of this the game will crash when run if it’s not published to the correct universe.

This means I have to upload and revert each time I want to do something in studio, which is a pain because it shuts all the servers down as CloneTrooper mentioned.

Create a fake place under the same universe. Its what I do to test.


Unstable builds shouldn’t be accessing the data of the actual place either.