THE BAR > Looking for Feedback

Hi, Everyone!
I recently updated this game and I want to continue working on it in the Future, For that reason I’m looking for people to test it out, Give me some Suggestions or report bugs, if you find any.

The Game

It’s a game about running a bar with your friends, You can buy different Upgrades and serve your customers to make Money.
This game can be played in Multiplayer or Singleplayer, With ONE Player loading their save.
Have Fun!

Game Link

Already Planned Updates

  • VendingMachine use will get an Extra Animation; Dropping an Item.
  • Second VendingMachine Upgrade
  • Customers Rating System (This will be like x/10, Relying on Wait Time and How clean the Bar is.)
  • Kitchen Upgrade (Make Food for the customers at the Tables.)
  • Polishing; Faster Refresh on Ingredients
1 Like

It looks really good, I like the animations. I would reccomend making things a bit brighter (Not that much though)