The Belmont Handbook

☃️About Us

"thrilling adventures, extraordinary experiences"

Comfort on ROBLOX does not get any better than a stay in one of our homely rooms. This is the perfect haven for any guest looking for more than just a quick stay.

The Hotel is located on a Snowy Mountain enclave, We offer a variety of rooms and spots to play throughout the island for you to stay in and enjoy, and your experience with our excellent staff will surely light up your day.

🛎️Public Information

Game Rules

❄️ Maintaining a safe and friendly environment keeps our community safe. You have the power to shape the community, with your actions and words!.

🏂 Respectfulness and Understanding

Respect is expected of all staff members.

You should be kind and set an example to those around you and avoid making insensitive, careless, or rude comments.

🍧 No exploiting
Do not disrupt the gameplay of others or cheat the game. Exploiting results in a permanent ban.

📺Do not advertise
Advertising in any way is prohibited.

🦺 Be appropriate
We do not allow the sharing of inappropriate content. This will result in a ban.

Rank Descriptions

:pencil2: Below the name of the rank, the description includes an explanation on how to achieve the rank as well.

Hotel Guest
A normal member of the group.

:pen: Entry Team

Player who passed the test at the Application Center. They are now a part of the staff team.

Senior Receptionist
Player who has demonstrated understanding of Customer Service.

Head of Services
Player who has shown excellence in all areas of Customer Service or has purchased this rank through The Belmont Boutique.

🛍️Management Team

Management Team
Player who has passed Management Applications, Has been promoted, or has purchased this rank through The Belmont Boutique.

Senior Management
Player who has been promoted through activity or has passed Management Applications.

Assistant Resort Coordinator
Player who has shown excellence in all areas of Management or has purchased Management Applications.

Resort Coordinator
Player who has shown excellence in all areas of Management or has purchased Management Applications.

👩‍💼Executive Team

Executive Intern
When a spot in the Executive Team opens, the Leadership Team will open applications or select Resort Coordinators to undergo a trial.

Junior Executive
Player who passed their trial period as a Intern.

Senior Executive
Player who got promoted.

Corporate Executive
A lead member of the Executive Team.

:exclamation: Although it is preferred, you do not have to be in the Discord to earn a promotion, you will be treated the same as any member of the Staff/Management team that is on Discord.

:+1: Additionally, members of tall staff teams can randomly be promoted for excellent behavior and activity.

Joining the Management Team

😋 Once you become a Head of Services, you’re eligible to be promoted to Management Team. This means you can use the moderation panel to warnand kick trollers. If you are looking to become a member of this team you must first meet the requirements.

:memo: Requirements

  • Be an active staff member in The Hotel
  • Regularly play the game
  • Display professionalism, respect for others, and the ability to effectively handle situations
  • Work here for a minimum of 1 week

:point_right: Additionally, you may apply for the Management Team through our Job Center when applications are open here:


:warning: Asking for a promotion, which is called hinting, is not allowed. Approaching a member of the Corporate Team and hinting will reduce your chances of being promoted.


:arrow_down: The resources Trello contains important links and information for members of The Belmont. Make sure to visit the Trello that’s linked below.

:link: Official Information Page