The best data Data Store method

Hello there! I’ve seen a lot of data save methods like DataStore, DataStore2, ProfileService, QuickNetwork and don’t know what’s the best to use. Someone says that datastore2 is good for big projects.Other say that Profile Service is the best and i can’t choose what to use.


I believe ProfileService is probably the best option for a larger project. I’ve yet to incorporate it into my game, but I believe it utilizes DataStore2 as well (I think loleris made both of them if I’m not mistaken) and builds onto its functionality.


It goes down to your preference. You can make your own if you want which is a good option but takes a lot of time.

Right now I’ve opted to use Profile Service alongside Replica Service for all of my datastore needs. It’s extremely helpful and if used correctly could be used for all projects in my opinion.

I’ve tried Datastore2 but still prefer ProfileService.

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Use UltimateDataStoreX 3 Plus Pro Premium Gold and Diamond Edition with Exclusive Content

Edit: Dont forget to buy all the microtransactions and monthly subscription! Its basically useless without it.


I have never actually tried to use either. you basically just require a module and call functions into the module right?? I tend to just make my own datasave systems because they are really nice to understand.

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That’s correct. I opted to download their module script instead of requiring it.

Some useful things in profile service are

  • Reconcile (let’s you add new items to a table datastore and doesn’t override old values)

  • Release (Prevents the player from being in your game twice and duplicating items, it basically holds their data until you decide to release it)

Those are two of many features profile service has, that’s the only one I can really talk about because of my experience with it.

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I think I’ll Profile Service a try. Thanks for recommendations!

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No problem! If you run into issues or questions let me know and I can point you in the right direction.

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if you want to make your own here is a video to get you started


I have a question about profile service.
If I want to get profile data in another script,should I make the exact steps like in player join script for example adding template list or I need to save data somewhere else?

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I would make a module script specifically for getting data for the server and client using ReplicaService and throwing that into Replicated Storage.

ReplicaService goes hand in hand with ProfileService

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I dislike this video due to it being an instance based datastore. I prefer straight tables due to their organization and scalability. The code in the video is done fairly well though.

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I will hopefully have another video in the future for more advanced scripters this video was designed for new scripters

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Your tutorials are well done. I’m looking forward to seeing your more advanced ones. Your video on exploiting in particular helped me a while ago. You should send me a message when you get around to it.

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I saw there’s a list of profiles in Profile Service example. Isn it a good idea to store them in _G?

You can; however, that won’t help you with replicating data to the client.

You can avoid _G entirely - and display data anywhere - if you make another modulescript that replicates data. Then you’d only need to require that script anywhere to Request data or to Set data.

You would then need to link the replicated data module to your datastore module.

This is what it would look like in theory.