The Best Method for This ''Disable Settings'' Menu?

Hi there. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. I have a few settings here I am trying to rig up for a theme park. Basically when they’re clicked on, they are disabled. How would I go about disabling each one of these when they’re clicked on? Thank you!

Each time they’re clicked on, it activates a MouseButton1Click function that fades the color out. Now, I just need the line that actually disables each one of these.


script.Parent.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(93, 93, 93)

OnScript.Disabled = false


script.Parent.OffScript.Disabled = true


So here is my personal experience,

I’ve noticed that players love it when you save their settings within a datastore which you can change/fetch the settings through events. Although, here are my recommendations for the rest of the scripts.

For the names, I am guessing you are using Billboards and if you are then you can locally set Enabled to false. If it’s not then through the client go through the player’s characters and set the character’s humanoid DisplayDistanceType to none

For the music I recommend just putting Audio:Pause() which will obviously pause the music locally

For the shadows I don’t know exactly although what I would do personally is doing i,v in pairs through workspace fetching the descendants and if the part :IsA(“Part”) or :IsA(“BasePart”) then v.CastShadow = false
It may cause lag although I wouldn’t personally know a better way.

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Thank you very much! I appreciate it.

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