This thread serves as a further publication of the latest Roblox Transparency Report. This thread is relevant to the chosen category as it informs the reader regarding their possible success rate when it comes to appealing the moderation action imposed on their account.
Explanation of the numbers:
During the period of October 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 there were 12,831,544 moderation actions on individual pieces of content that were available to be appealed.
The total appeals were 522,949. The following numbers detail the amount of appeals and the amount of successful appeals. It is further broken down by the type of policy that the content has been actioned under.
total number vs total approved appeals:
appeals categorized under their respective violation category:
What specific type of content was appealed and approved:
If you’re up to appealing a moderation action. You’re pretty much screwed as the numbers show above