The client ignores a part even though it can reach it

I wrote a simple code to not strain the server, but for some reason I don’t know, it sees a partition as nil even though it can be accessed from the client.

I tried calling this module from the client at least once.

In this code, when the tycoon parts are added, I send a tween request to all clients, but I get this error. and when I try to print the variables, this appears.

You have to finish your tweeninfo parameters.
time, -- provided already, number
easingstyle, -- provided already, Enum.EasingStyle
Easingdirection, -- provided already, Enum.EasingDirection
RepeatCount, -- Number, -1/math.huge for inf
Reverses, -- Bool

Tween info does not autofill. There are no default values.

Unfortunately, I do not have a problem with the tweeninfo part. Although I send an object to the client from a place where it can be reached, the client ignores it.


Yes they’re :skull:
Why do you think they make a “?” after their type

Maybe tweenPos doesn’t exist? you have a red line there
otherwise just check all your variables. i dont have time to read all of the code but you likely have something nil then

Unfortunately, I checked a lot, the tween pos there is an example, in fact there is a complicated mathematical operation there.

and when I print all the incoming variables, I only see that the object (part) is nil, but I can reach that object from the explorer (from the client)

but when I use this “tweenservice” module in an already existing part, I don’t encounter any problems.

I think the source of this problem is that the data of the newly added piece reaches the client after the data I sent and the client cannot find this piece.

I solved this problem by adding a short wait

If the object is nil, its because the client doesn’t have access to that object then.

StreamingEnabled as well as simple loading errors can cause this. Likely why adding a wait fixed your problem.

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