(Update log only dates back to December 1st, 2024)
Play The Crusher here: The Crusher (Survival Obby) - Roblox
10th Anniversary Update (2025)
10th Anniversary Update (March 6th, 2025)
New Maps / Map Changes
New Maps
Abyssal Adventure:
- (By Finnn_Dev, KielHGT, M1nic200, Bobino2009, ultimxte & cosm1cbrownie88)
Destructive Dungeon:
- (By Cironical)
Difficulty Chart:
- (By DueTheManOut)
Legendary Chess:
- (By Huongphan)
Nighttime in Breadland:
- (By Guardniko & OOFxMASTER)
The Chocolate Experience:
- (By AlvinFireplaysroblox)
Tick Tock Clockworks:
- (By bernesin)
Waningmoon Midnight:
- (By Huongphan)
Yearning for Love:
- (By Solar_Sxstem & Theoluremz)
Yellowstone District:
- (By AceySpadener2239 & SpectralTunnelz)
(Most maps from this list have returned for a limited time)
New Items
New Items
Coin Shop Items
Binoculars (Gear) (730 Coins) (Permanent)
Crusher (Death) (10000 Coins) (by Linkinthegamer) (Permanent)
Protest Sign: Crushers Are For Crushing (Gear) (500 Coins) (by Linkinthegamer)
Crusher Balloon (Gear) (150 Coins) (by Linkinthegamer)
Confetti Cannon (Gear) (1800 Coins)
2015 Fireworks (Gear) (2015 Coins)
2015 Logos (Effect) (150 Coins)
2018 Logos (Effect) (180 Coins)
2023 Logos (Effect) (230 Coins)
Crusher Confetti (Effect) (500 Coins)
Partygoer (Title) (100 Coins)
Celebrator (Title) (1500 Coins) (by cooldudemaximus22)
Decennial (Title) (1000 Coins) (by cooldudemaximus22)
Timeless (Title) (1250 Coins) (by cooldudemaximus22)
Confetti Explosion (Death) (2500 Coins)
Weekly Shop Items
- Epicsauce (Gear) (570 Coins)
- Mystic Cloud (Effect) (900 Coins)
- Imaginative (Title) (1750 Coins)
- Stiffen (Death) (800 Coins)
Badge Items
- Popper (Title) (Party Popper badge)
New Features / Bug Fixes + Changes
Major Features / Changes
- Added the stats UI
- Personal best times are now tracked for each map
- Personal best speed times are now tracked for each map if applicable
- Added the weekly shop
- Added the limited time Party Popper badge and balloon popping quest with the Laser Finger Pointers gear
- Titles, effects, deaths and gears are now disabled in moderator hosted gamenight servers
- Lobby changed to Spring theme
Minor Bug Fixes + Changes
- Fixed a bug where fastly equipping / unequipping advanced effects (effects that aren’t particles / sparkles / flames / smoke) would keep the effect equipped when unequipped or with another effect equipped. This allowed for effect stacking which would cause lag. This bug also happened to certain effects without fastly equipping / unequipping
- Titles, effects, deaths and gears are now disabled in moderator hosted gamenight servers
- Fixed a bug where running with shiftlock while having the Arctic Fox Tail equipped would give a slight walkspeed boost
- 1st Place Trophy, 2nd Place Trophy and 3rd Place Trophy gears no longer have collision with players and other gear parts and now fling slightly differently
- 1st Place Trophy, 2nd Place Trophy and 3rd Place Trophy gears are now only awarded to their respective places on the monthly leaderboard
- Fixed a bug where selecting a death in the stuff UI that was equipped and in your death shuffle would make the second equip button for adding / removing from your shuffle be invisible
- Fixed a bug where selecting the Metal death in the shop UI while equipped and in your shuffle would make the equip button visually appear as if you did not have it equipped
- Fixed the Roblox logos effect icon being outdated
- Fixed survivals being referenced to as “wins” in the description of the Double Coins gamepass
- Fixed a bug where redeeming codes was not correctly displaying the code item if a title was not currently selected before redeeming the code
- Fixed a bug where the Fake C4 gear had collision until attatched to another players back
- Fixed a bug where the user would not get the new item pop up upon obtaining the Victor title
- Fixed a bug where selecting an equipped death before selecting any other death in the stuff UI would cause the equip button to be invisible until selecting another item
- Fidget Spinner, Princess Sceptor, Epic Faces and Liberty Torch items made untradable (old 1:1 items given out to certain people)
- Millionaire title is now tradable
- Fixed a bug where having your inventory updated while a death is selected in the shop would break the shuffle button until selecting a death again
- Fixed a bug where the Add to Shuffle button would not appear in the shop on a newly purchased death until selecting the death again
- The counters above the Typical and Premium Crates now update upon completing a trade
Valentines Update (2025)
Valentines Update (February 7th, 2025)
New Maps / Map Changes
New Maps
Frostfall in Venice:
- (By AlvinFireplaysroblox)
Celestial Glacier:
- (By KingFireLOL97)
Map Difficulty Changes
Soothing Vista:
New Items
New Items
Coin Shop Items
- Exploding Heart (Gear) (500 Coins)
- Doodle Hearts (Effect) (300 Coins)
- Heart-Eyes Emojis (Effect) (1000 Coins)
- Smitten (Title) (200 Coins)
- Cupid (Title) (600 Coins)
Valentine’s Bundle 2025 Items
- Love Hurts Ray Gun (Gear)
- Love Aura (Effect) (by ydcj)
- Lovely (Title)
- Lovely Explosion (Death)
Code Items
- Valentine (Title) (by Linkinthegamer) (Code “valentines2025”)
New Features / Bug Fixes + Changes
Major Features / Changes
- Added the Valentine’s Bundle for R$299 which contains 4 exclusive items, 5 map choices and 1000 coins
- All specific map survivals are tracked and counted for normal and pro servers, and now displayed on the map checklist UI
- Switching to view a country leaderboard now switches the avatars and names of the podium boards to the top 3 in your country
- Switching to view a the last months survivals leaderboard now switches the avatars and names of the podium boards to the top 3 from the previous months survivals leaderboard
Minor Bug Fixes + Changes
- Fixed the pro server browser being small on console and mobile devices
- Fixed a bug where surviving any map would give you a survival for the Habitats map as well
- The crusher no longer kills you if the crusher has not began its descent yet
- Fixed the trade settings and trade history UI being small on mobile and console devices
- Fixed the trade settings and trade history UI clipping with the settings UI
Country Leaderboards Update (2025)
Country Leaderboards Update (January 24th, 2025)
New Features / Bug Fixes + Changes
Major Features / Changes
- Added all time level country leaderboards
- Added the Green Tiles Board near the green tiles practice
- Added the pro server browser UI
Minor Bug Fixes + Changes
- Group Rewards renamed to Community Rewards
- Fixed a bug where the map queue UI button did not move down with the minigame queue text in gamenight servers due to the choose map button not being there
- Revamped the price and name UI for selecting an item. Ex. “x Coins” → “:coinicon: x”
- Fixed a bug where redeeming a code item did not update the credit for whoever made the item in any way
- Fixed the top purchase button and the top equip button being slightly off centered in the shop and stuff UI
- All Robux based purchases in the coin shop now use the golden Robux icon instead of a Robux unicode character
January 10th Update (2025)
January 10th Update (January 10th, 2025)
Bug Fixes + Changes
Major Features / Changes
- Christmas event removed
Minor Bug Fixes + Changes
- All neon in the lobby has been toned down
- Fixed a bug where users with a thorn vine around them from the Korblox Deathspeaker’s Spell Book were not able to climb trusses properly
- Fixed a bug where the Snowman Gun did not add any hats to the affected users
- Fixed a bug where searching / filtering through the map choices UI while a map was selected would make it appear as if it had been unselected when it was still selected
- Added credit to Harsh_Here for the Sonic Boom effect
- Added credit to Martin_RbIx2 for the Festive Teddy gear
Christmas Update (2024)
Christmas Update 2024 (December 14th, 2024)
New Maps / Map Changes
New Maps
Christmas Trial:
- (By KielHGT) (Day 14)
Biome-Shifting Nexus:
- (By Solar_Sxstem) (Day 15)
Cavernous Icebound:
- (By garrettgamess0) (Day 16)
Eastern Disaster:
- (By CursedBurning) (Day 17)
A Winter Wish:
- (By l_snh) (Day 18)
Spectrum Space:
- (By Huongphan) (Day 19)
Crystal Blues:
- (By Solar_Sxstem) (Day 20)
Kinetic Factory:
- (By Gearwxrkz) (Day 21)
Sakura Gake:
- (By KielHGT) (Day 22)
Elevator Problems:
- (By DueTheManOut) (Day 23)
Frostwood Depths:
- (By CursedBurning & Cironical) (Day 24)
Visiting Santa:
- (By AlvinFireplaysroblox) (Day 25)
Removed Maps
- (By dieedinside & AlvinFireplaysroblox)
Eclipsing Sands:
- (By Eff3rvescent & najimandroid)
Mysterious Fairyland:
- (By CarlShoot123)
Steampunk Volcano:
- (By AngeryCL & Perfectuary)
Underground Quarry:
- (By TenBlocke)
New Items
New Items
6 new Advent Calendar items
- Day 15: Snow Trail (Effect)
- Day 18: Snowflake (Title)
- Day 21: Noob Hot Chocolate (Gear) (by Linkinthegamer)
- Day 23: Gingerbread (Title) (by cooldudemaximus22)
Christmas Crate Items
- Annoying Elf
- Festive Plungers
- Jingle Bell Launcher
- Snowman Gun
- Staff of Neverending Frost
- Cosmic Trail (by MagicalAnteater)
- Festive Framework
- Festive Lights Trail
- Ice Shards (by MagicalAnteater)
- Sleigh of Prey
- Top of Tree
- Cosy
- Frigid
- Hyperborean
- Krampus
Santa’s Festive Shop Items
- Christmas Tree Lights (Gear) (5 Baubles)
- Sprinkling Snowflakes (Effect) (10 Baubles)
- Jack Frost (Gear) (20 Baubles)
- Merry (Title) (30 Baubles) (by cooldudemaximus22)
- Snowy Burst (Effect) (45 Baubles) (by Linkinthegamer)
- Peppermint (Title) (65 Baubles) (by cooldudemaximus22)
- Christmas Tree Launcher (Gear) (75 Baubles)
- Christmas Star (Effect) (90 Baubles) (by Linkinthegamer)
- Avalanche (Death) (120 Baubles)
- Bauble Master (Effect) (500 Baubles)
- ??? (???) (??? Baubles) (Uncovered once found)
All other items in Santa’s Festive Shop are items that have released in the coin shop in previous years
All items that have released in previous years that don’t appear in Santa’s Festive Shop are onsale for coins in the coin shop
Leaderboard items
- Festive Penguin (Gear) (Reach top 100 on the Baubles Collected Leaderboard by January 4th)
Code Items
- Christmas Puddings (Effect) (Code “pud”)
New Features / Bug Fixes + Changes
Major Features / Changes
- Rereleased the Advent Calendar with new items
- Added the rescripted trading with safer trading mechanics from EM
- Added trade history
- Added new trade settings
- Baubles now spawn in maps at set locations with different rarities
- Added the Baubles Collected leaderboard. Lasts until January 4th (3 weeks)
Minor Bug Fixes + Changes
- Expired the Bouncy death code
- Prince title no longer marked as “New”
- Theme filters in the filters UI are now alphabetically sorted
- Smoke effect’s Color property changed from (0, 0, 0) → (127, 127, 127) (to differentiate from Black Smoke)
- All copies of the North Star effect has been converted to the Christmas Star effect
- All copies of the Flurry Tree effect has been converted to the Snowy Burst effect
- Fixed a bug where shop deaths did not update the “Equipped” or “Owned” text when switching from the Shop to the Stuff UI and vice versa
- Fixed a bug where the Metal death did not update the “Owned” text when switching from the Shop to the Stuff UI and vice versa
- Fixed a bug where adding a death to your shuffle that you have equipped would visually display as if it were unequipping
- Fixed a bug where trading away a death that was in your shuffle would not be removed from your shuffle
- Fixed a bug where trading all owned copies of an equipped death would not be unequipped after trading
December 1st Update (2024)
December 1st Update (December 1st, 2024)
New Maps / Map Changes
New Maps
Astral Forest:
- (By Huongphan)
Sand Touching Ceremony:
- (By Realjayguidepro)
Solar Energy:
- (By Huongphan)
The Colouring:
- (By broteching)
Tropical Archipelago Island:
- (By Ploutze)
Revamped Maps
Spooky Night:
- (By @Huongphan)
New Features / Bug Fixes + Changes
New Features:
- Filters for the map choosing UI (Filter by map difficulty and theme)
Minor Bug Fixes / Changes:
- Lobby changed to winter theme
- Fixed a bug where selecting an equipped title or gear would show the second equip button
- Fixed a bug where attempting to redeem a code for a death in the shop UI wouldn’t work
- Fixed a bug where redeeming a code in the shop UI did not correctly update the background color of the code item
- Fixed a bug where redeeming a code for a shop death would not show the “Add to Shuffle” or “Remove from Shuffle” button
- Fixed a bug where the “Choose Later” button did not darken upon being hovered over in the choose map UI